Minor in Sport Management
The sports industry is a global industry, counting North America as one of its largest markets. By 2023, projections show the North American sports industry’s value increasing to more than $80 billion. Such a booming industry has a lot of moving parts. Along with the focus on players, teams, and fans, sports organizations must also focus on marketing, merchandising, sponsorships, as well as legal, business, and logistics operations.
Some of the biggest opportunities in the sports industry are around creating engaging, and high-value opportunities for fan, spectator, and fitness experiences, including:
- High-tech recreational gear at reasonable prices
- Ticket packages and benefits
- Exercise and fitness programs
- Fitness equipment with high-tech features and innovative design
Starting your professional career with a degree in sport management can give you a broad understanding of the industry, and help you develop a wide range of skills across one of the fastest growing and most lucrative industries today.
You can choose to major or minor in Sport Management.
Learn the basics, so you can:
Navigate the competitive global sport environment
Demonstrate working knowledge of governance and regulations of sport organizations

750+ Course Options
The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be an in-demand professional and transformational leader.
What can I do with skills in sport management?
Whether you want to be behind the scenes or out on the field, you can find your place in the sport industry. Careers in law, operations, logistics, marketing, management, and health and fitness are all possible within this field.
Minor Requirements for College of Business Students
You must earn at least 18 sport management credits to graduate with a minor in sport management. College of Business students you must complete all minor and prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher.
Remember, you must complete all prerequisite and minor courses with a grade of C or higher.
Minor Requirements for Non-College of Business Students
Students in non-College of Business programs can earn a minor in sport management, but must satisfy specific course requirements. These required courses include:
ECON 103, Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurial Economics
SPMT 101, Sport Governance and History
12 credits of SPMT electives at or above the 300 level
Sport Management is in the Department of Management and Marketing in the College of Business.