Information Technology Division

Enterprise Information Systems & IT Security

We Keep Coppin Connected

We provide technical support for most of the University computer applications students, faculty, and staff use regularly. One of the main tools we're responsible for is EagleLINKS, the Campus ERP system that provides 24/7 access to campus and course information for students, faculty, and staff.

Our other responsibilities include:

  • Client consultations
  • Software analysis
  • Software development and implementation
  • System verification
  • Data storage and retrieval
  • User access for campus decision-making

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About EagleLINKS

EagleLINKS is our digital campus portal that provide student, faculty, and staff access to personal, academic, and campus-wide information.

When do I get an EagleLINKS account?

As an Admissions Applicant

The system automatically creates new EagleLINKS accounts when the University admits an applicant. Then, the Office of Admissions sends a letter to the admitted student with their login information, user ID, password, and additional instructions on next steps.

As an Admitted Student

The system automatically creates new EagleLINKS accounts when an admitted student is "matriculated/term activated". Then, the Office of Records and Registration sends a letter to the admitted student with their login information, user ID, password, and additional instructions on next steps.

As an Employee

The system automatically creates new EagleLINKS accounts when Human Resources enters new hire data into the EagleLINKS system.

What else should I know about EagleLINKS?

  • Network and EagleLINKS permissions are automatically assigned depending on whether you are a student, faculty, or staff member. Assigned permissions affect access to shared drives, email, home directory, Time Entry, Faculty Center, etc.
  • If you need to change or update your access, you MUST submit an EagleLINKS account request form with appropriate approval.
  • Access to departmental information must be approved by the department that maintains such information (E.g., Access to HR data will need approval of HR Director or the VPAF, Access to Student Information will require approval of the Registrar or VPEM).


More Supported Applications

The University maintains numerous software and applications to serve different functions.

Coppin State University Supported Applications
System Description
Campus Portal 1-stop access to campus services
EagleLINKS (HCM/CS 9.0/financials Fully integrated HR, Campus Solutions, and financial systems
Online Web Application Online admissions application
EagleCard - One Card Campus ID management system
Ad-Astra Manage classrooms, meeting rooms, and campus events
Housing Director Manage campus housing
Judicial Officer Manage campus judicial process
ImageNow Document imaging system for the Office of Financial Aid
Fischer ID Management Manage accounts and authentication
Blackboard/Tegrity Integration Provide EagleLinks data feed

Data warehouse and business analytics for student systems, financial and contributor relations data. Extensively used by academic deans and chairs.

In addition to the delivered reporting modules, Coppin has developed custom reporting modules to meet various accreditation requirements.

T2-Parking Manage on-campus parking
Facilities Wizard Work order management system
State of Maryland Interface Interface with payroll, HR
MHEC/DOE State and federal reporting
Disaster Recovery Plan, develop, text, and execute disaster recovery procedures
Time Trade Appointment scheduling system that allows self-service function for faculty, students, and staff to schedule appointments with various administrative departments and faculty.
EagleMobile Provide mobile app access to student registration system
Wellness Center Provide EagleLINKS data feed

Contact Us

Still have questions? We're happy to help! Give us a call or connect via email.

Joe L. Brooks
Assistant Director for Database and Technical Administration


Milrico Juaneza
Junior Database Administrator


Chris Kennedy


Can Help With
Issues/questions related to EagleLINKS
Issues/questions related to EagleMobile
Issues/questions related to ImageNow
Ashish Nunna
Business Intelligence Developer


Can Help With
Data Analytics - Pyramid and Power BI
Assistant Director for Application Support


Rickey Williams
Director of Information Security and Privacy Program
