Eagle Achievement Center

Tutoring for Students

In addition to the Math and Writing Center located in the Eagle Achievement Center, we have partnered with departments on campus to facilitate departmental tutoring, and we offer drop-in coaching in a number of subjects in the Academic Success Study Halls, located in Grace Jacobs room 218. Students are also encouraged to work independently or work on projects in groups during these study halls. 

Students can also receive on-demand assistance 24/7 through tutor.com. These services are free to all Coppin students and accessible in every section of Blackboard. To access, students must go into their course, open the tools folder, and from there they can access sample tests, independent study guides, and on-demand one-on-one tutoring in subjects from across the curriculum.

Academic Coaching Offerings - Spring 2025

SubjectDays and TimesLocation
Anatomy and PhysiologyMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211
AnthropologyMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211
  • Monday 10am-1pm
  • Tuesday 2pm-5pm
  • Wednesday 10am-2pm
  • Thursday 10am-2pm
  • Friday 10am-2pm
STC 247
  • Monday 10am-1pm
  • Tuesday 2-5pm
  • Wednesday 10am-2pm
  • Thursday 10am-2pm
  • Friday 10am-2pm
STC 247
Computer Science/MISY 150Appointment-based schedulingSTC 117
HistoryMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211
PhilosophyMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211
PsychologyMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211
SociologyMonday-Friday 1-6pmGJ 211


Coppin Eagle Achievement Center