Sayed Hassan "Akhlaq" Hussaini works as Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Critical Thinking at Coppin State University. Before joining Coppin, Professor Akhlaq was a Visiting Scholar in the The McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values at the Catholic University of America (2012-2017); George Washington University (2013-2016); the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University (2017); and Boston University (2017-18). He also taught Bioethics at Notre Dame of Maryland University (2018). Previously Dr. Hussaini worked as the Dean of Gharjistan University, branch of Farah-Afghanistan in 2011; he acted as an academic advisor of Afghanistan Academy of Sciences in 2010; he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Iranian universities, including Al-Mustafa International University (2006-2010) and Payam-e Noor (2008-2010). Professor Akhlaq taught many different courses including Research Methods, History of Islamic Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy, Logic, Peripatetic Philosophy, Transcendental Philosophy, Sufism, Comparative Religion, Islamic Theology, and Contemporary Theology.
Dr. Hussaini contributes to the public sphere by delivering public talks across the nation and using the mass media such as Huffington Post, Open Democracy, BBC, VOA to share his opinion. He is a human rights advocate and an advocate of the right of women and girls to an education. Professor Hussaini also teaches Philosophy at Marymount University and Religion at Northern Virginia Community College.
A Collection of Philosophical Meditations: Allameh Abdullah Samandar Ghuryani, Sayed Hassan Akhlaq (Ed.), (Kabul: Amiri, 2019)
The Sacred and the Secular: Complementary and/or Conflictual? Co-edited with John P. Hogan, (Washington D.C.: CRVP, 2017)
From the Tradition of Balkh to the Modernity of Paris (Kabul: Nebras Organization and Saied Publication House, 2010)
The Enlightenment Tradition in Islam and the West (Tehran: Amir Kabir, 2009)
Philosophical Discourse between Islam and the West (Qom; Al-Mustafa International University, Iran, 2008)
From Mawlana (Rumi) to Nietzsche (Qum, Soluke-e Javan, Iran, 2007)
Selected Articles
“Introducing a Comparative Echotheology: Islamic Concept of Basmalah and Luther’s Commentary of the Ten Commandments,” in Mary Philip, Chan Rimmer and Tom S. Tomren, ed., Religion, Sustainability and Education: Pedagogy, Perspectives, and Praxis towards ecological sustainability (Norway: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, The Lutheran World Federation, and Embla Akademisk, 2021), pp. 141-168.
“Being a Muslim in Global Times: Taqlid, Jihad and Hijra in the Quranic Hermeneutic,” in Denys Kiryukhin, ed., Community and Tradition in Global Times (Washington, D.C.: CRVP, 2020), pp. 141-158.
“When Sufism Meets Politics (the Pluses and Minuses of Nasafi’s Perspective,” in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Villanova University, Summer 2020) Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 74-89.
“Christian-Muslim Cooperation Demonstrating God’s Image/Caliph in Ecotheology,” in The Ecumenical Review, (World Council of Churches, 2018) Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 662-678.
“How Muslims and Christians Can Practice Wilayat (Support) toward Each Other? A Response to Nostra Aetate” in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, (Villanova University; Fall 2018) Vol. 42, No.1, pp. 28-48.
“The Source of the Problem: Both Islam and the West Have Forgotten Their Roots (A Philosophical Study of the Charlie Hebdo Shooting),” in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, (Villanova University, Spring 2017) Vol. 40, No.3, pp. 75-85.
“Looking Inside the Heart: The Universal Appeal of God and Humanity as Reflected in Ibn al-‘Arabi’s Fusus al-Hikam and Maulana Rumi’s Mathnawi Manawi,” in Clinton Bennett and Sarwar Alam, ed., Sufism, Pluralism, and Democracy (UK: Equinox, 2017), pp. 201-222.
“The Hermeneutics of the Sacred and the Secular in Shariah”, in John Hogan and Sayed Hassan Akhlaq, ed., The Secular and the Sacred, (Washington, D.C.: CRVP, 2017), pp. 389-406.
“The Tradition of Rationality in Islamic Culture”, in John Hogan and Sayed Hassan Akhlaq ed., The Secular and the Sacred, (Washington, D.C.: CRVP, 2017), pp. 761-776.
“Islamic Philosophy between Theism and Deism,” in Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, (Axioma – Publicaoes da Faculdade de Filosofia, 2016) Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 65-84.
“A Quranic Reflection on Nostra Aetate” in Pim Valkenberg and Anthony Cirelli, ed., Nostra Aetate Celebrating 50 Years of Dialogue with Jews and Muslims (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016), pp. 146-159.
“The Shared Concerns of Nietzsche and Rumi on Humanity” in PUDN Journal of Philosophy, (Russia: Moscow, Publishing House of the PFUR, 2016) No. 3, pp.104-112.
“The Guise of the Sunni-Shiite Use of Excommunication (Takfir) in the Middle East,” in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, (Villanova University, Summer 2015) Vol. XXXVIII, No.4, pp. 1-22.
“Rationality in Islamic Peripatetic and Enlightenment Philosophies,” in George F. McLean, ed, Philosophy Emerging from Culture, (Washington, D.C.: CRVP, 2013), pp. 71-86.
“The Theoretical Foundations of Tolerance in Rumi,” in Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions (A Journal of the World Union of Catholic Philosophical Societies, 2012), Vol. 8, pp. 165-188.
Ph.D., Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU), 2009
M.A., Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), 2004
B.A., Major: Philosophy and Islamic Theology; Minor: Islamic Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic law, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, 2002
Professional Memberships
• American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology (2019- Present)
• American Association of University Professors (2019-Present)
• American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies (2016- Present)
• American Academy of Religion (2013- Present)
• Association for Political Theory (2018-Present)
Comparative Philosophy, Existentialism, Pragmatism, Islamic Philosophy, Sufism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue Among Civilizations, Ecotheology, Bioethics
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