Faculty Organizations, Committees, and Conferences
Faculty Involvement
In our role as faculty, we are in a privileged position to be able to mold minds, encourage intellectual inquiry, and explore research that tackles today's big problems. But just as much as energy and effort we put out into the world, we also need opportunities to continue to grow, develop, and advocate for the issues that matter most.
At Coppin, faculty do more than teach. We set standards, we inform University-wide decisions, and continue to not only challenge the status quo, but also adapt to the changing world around us.
Want to get involved? Check out what our faculty are up to outside of the classroom.
Faculty Organizations
There are opportunities for every faculty member to get involved. Whether you're part-time, full-time, junior, senior, tenured, or on-tenure track—we've got a community ready for you.
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
The Coppin chapter of this nationally-recognized organization focuses on protecting the rights of academic professionals, strengthening academic freedoms, and holistically improving the quality of higher education.
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)
Teaching and learning are what we do. We are the voice that celebrate faculty accomplishments, and provide resources to empower faculty to continuously learn and be even better teachers.
Faculty Senate
We are the voice for all Coppin State University faculty. We advocate for faculty rights, elevate issues important to us and our work, participate in shared governance, and bring recommendations to senior University leadership.
Meet and Confer
Curriculum Standards and Policy Committee (CSPC)
As industries and the world around us continue to change, so must our curricula and guiding standards. We focus on academic policies and programs, and providing strategic recommendations to senior academic leadership.
Faculty Information Technology Committee (FITC)
Technology is changing fast. Not only do we stay on top of digital and device best practices, we also collaborate with other offices and departments to ensure we strategically use technology to transform our instruction and delivery.
Faculty Research & Development Committee (FR&DC)
FR&DC serves as a vehicle to support and encourage faculty scholarly endeavors leading to presentation at regional and national conferences and publications.