School of Education
Department of Instructional Leadership and Professional Development
We prepare school leaders today to meet the instructional challenges of tomorrow. We Build Leaders.
Are people born leaders, or can people be taught to lead? The Department of Instructional Leadership and Professional Development (ILPD) believes even those with natural leadership abilities can still grow these skills, while others without a strong leadership foundation can build one through our programs.
Since 1982, we have graduated more than 400 practitioners. These practitioners have gone on to serve and lead institutional and instructional efforts to meet social, educational, and health needs of k12 P-12 and adult learner populations. With programs designed to satisfy a variety of learner experiences, we have strategically positioned the department to meet critical nontraditional educational programming needs.
Our Programs
Adult and Continuing Education
Contemporary Educational Leadership
School Administration I

Writing Center

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Our teaching legacy has built a firm foundation for us to welcome renowned faculty to our department. With celebrated skills and expertise, professors guide each of our future educational leaders through program requirements, serving as mentors, advocates, and change agents.
The Department of Instructional Leadership and Professional Development lives within the School of Education in the College of Art & Sciences, and Education.