
Salih Alexander PhD, JD, M.Ed., Esq.

Associate Professor
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5th Floor, Room 519

2500 W. North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216

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Procedural Justice/Legitimacy, Criminal Courts/Law/Procedure, Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, Special Education Law
Academic Advising
Meeting Facilitation

Dr. Salih Alexander is an associate professor in the Criminal Justice Department. His areas of interest are Procedural Justice/Legitimacy, Criminal Courts/Law/Procedure, Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, and Special Education Law. Dr. Alexander enjoys advising and mentoring students toward success. When he is not teaching or advising students, Dr. Alexander maintains a law practice where he represents indigent clients in criminal and juvenile cases in Northern Virginia. 

Outside of work, Dr. Alexander's favorite activity--by far--is playing, watching, or practicing golf.

Dissertation: Invariance and the Procedural Justice-Legitimacy Relationship for Serious Juvenile Offenders

Bachelor of Arts in English (Magna Cum Laude), Delaware State University 1998 

Juris Doctor in Law, Widener University School of Law (Delaware Law School) 2001 

Master of Education in Cross Categorical Special Education, Regent University 2006 

Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology, Law, and Society, George Mason University 2022

  • Virginia State Bar
  • District of Columbia Bar

Procedural Justice/Legitimacy, Juvenile Justice, Criminal Courts, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Child Welfare Law, Race and Justice

  • Presidential Scholarship, Delaware State University
  • Presidential Scholarship, Widener University School of Law (Delaware Campus)

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