Credit Transfer and Evaluation
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Start your "TRANSFER-mation"
Students can earn course credit through completed coursework and approved prior learning experiences. Coppin accepts up to 90 credits from 4-year institutions and 70 credits from 2-year colleges; however, students must finish their final 30 credits here at Coppin. Below is our general transfer credit criteria:
- External credits are from a regionally accredited college or university
- Earned grade is a “C" or higher
- Student earned a “D” in coursework part of an associate’s degree or if the cumulative grade point average from the transferring institution is a 2.0 or higher
Coppin does not award transfer credit for developmental and remedial courses, as well as any grade of “D” in freshman English courses or major courses.
Note: Remedial and developmental courses are not used for admission qualifying purposes.
What is the credit evaluation process?
Coppin performs transfer credit evaluations to decide a student’s standing (i.e. sophomore, junior, etc.) when you transfer into Coppin. In general, the more college-level courses you get credit for, the higher your academic standing.
Many courses from two or four-year universities qualify for transfer credit. In addition, many career or occupational credits transfer into Coppin and become free elective credits. Please note: our transfer credit decisions are final, and you agree to accept them when you commit to attend Coppin.
What to expect when transferring credits to Coppin
- Your transfer evaluation has a lot of important information, including the estimated number of credits that will transfer into Coppin. Be sure to send final transcripts to the Office of Admissions prior to your enrollment date. You must maintain good academic standing, or we may withdraw your offer of admission.
- Once you’ve received your final Evaluation of Transfer Credit, direct any transfer evaluation questions to the Transfer Coordinator in the Office of Records and Registration within your first semester. Coppin will not make any changes to your transfer evaluation after your first semester.
- Before beginning classes, you must decide which academic catalog you want to follow. The academic catalog you follow determines your course requirements. Your Coppin transfer evaluation includes our recommendation of the catalog year you should follow. However, you may decide it’s best for you to stay with the academic catalog that was in effect when you were originally admitted to the school you are transferring from. Here is an example of what we mean: A student transfers to Coppin from a community college. Because this transfer student was first admitted to their community college within 6 years of the CSU admission date, they have the option to follow the academic program requirements from when they were first admitted to their community college, or the academic catalog we assign on their official Evaluation of Transfer Credit.
How do I appeal a transfer evaluation?
Here are the steps to submit an appeal if you believe CSU has denied you transfer credit:
- Prepare a written statement with details of the transfer evaluation discrepancy
- Be sure to include your name, student ID, telephone number and current local address
- Submit your petition no less than 30 business days before the end of your first CSU semester
- Email your petition and any supporting documentation to or mail to:
Coppin State University
Office of Records and Registration
2500 West North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216-3698
What happens when Coppin receives my transfer evaluation appeal?
When we receive a petition, we gather the Student Academic Review Committee to review the appeal and issue a written decision. You receive a copy of the decision at the address on file via mail.