
Coppin Students walk across the North Avenue bridge

Header Bar Feature

The Header Bar Feature includes an optional description and two optional buttons.

2 Column Layout

The 2 Column Layout breaks the webpage into two columns. There should be no more than one 2 Column Layout on a webpage.

Left Column Right Column

(1) Contact Details Panel

The following may be included for a department, role, or person:

  1. Title
  2. Contact Name
  3. Email
  4. Phone
  5. Hours
  6. Office/Building
  7. Fax

(1) Sections

  • Contain components (1 or more)
  • Section Title is used to define jump menu links

(2) Jump Menu 

Contains links to sections on the current webpage



Speak to
Contact Name
Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Health and Human Services Building (HHSB), First Floor, Room 100
(410) 951-3001

Section Title 1 (Heading Level 2)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom.

With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more.

Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.

Section Title 2 (Heading Level 2)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom.

With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more.

Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.

Section Title 3 (Heading Level 2)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom.

With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more.

Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.


WYSIWYG stands for "what you see is what you get". The WYSIWYG (pronounced wiz-ee-wig) component allows website editors to see and edit content in a form that appears as it would when displayed on the webpage.


H2 Lorem Ipsum Dolor

H3 Lorem Ipsum Dolor

H4 Lorem Ipsum Dolor

H5 Lorem Ipsum Dolor
H6 Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Lead text cras dapibus, sapien in eleifend fermentum, nibh eros feugiat enim, sed cursus felis arcu at risus. Fusce pellentesque mauris turpis, in cursus nibh elementum quis. Donec vitae nisi turpis.

XL text Quisque sapien lorem, consequat ut ornare eget, dictum ut lacus. Sed id nulla elementum, efficitur arcu in, consectetur sapien. Maecenas nec lectus orci. Nullam placerat faucibus leo. Pellentesque molestie porta nulla et ullamcorper. Duis tortor diam, interdum et erat sed, lacinia luctus turpis. Pellentesque id felis sagittis, congue neque vitae, iaculis sem.

Large text Sed vel iaculis ligula. Duis ultrices, mi sit amet mattis finibus, lacus dolor convallis dolor, eu consectetur tortor mauris interdum quam. Nullam quis feugiat dolor. Nam ut suscipit quam. Morbi scelerisque, risus id tempus ultrices, mi magna finibus leo, vel suscipit lorem erat a erat. Vivamus vestibulum risus hendrerit nisi iaculis ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque sagittis a elit sit amet ultricies.

Paragraph default leo non ullamcorper posuere, augue erat porta ipsum, et rutrum nunc erat ut lorem. Nunc pharetra est at dui gravida, sed luctus sapien vestibulum. Suspendisse tempus ipsum ac tincidunt fringilla. Donec rutrum pellentesque mi et pharetra. Proin iaculis auctor nisi, vitae bibendum neque sodales eu.

Medium text Quisque sapien lorem, consequat ut ornare eget, dictum ut lacus. Sed id nulla elementum, efficitur arcu in, consectetur sapien. Maecenas nec lectus orci. Nullam placerat faucibus leo. Pellentesque molestie porta nulla et ullamcorper. Duis tortor diam, interdum et erat sed, lacinia luctus turpis. Pellentesque id felis sagittis, congue neque vitae, iaculis sem.

Small text Quisque sapien lorem, consequat ut ornare eget, dictum ut lacus. Sed id nulla elementum, efficitur arcu in, consectetur sapien. Maecenas nec lectus orci. Nullam placerat faucibus leo. Pellentesque molestie porta nulla et ullamcorper. Duis tortor diam, interdum et erat sed, lacinia luctus turpis. Pellentesque id felis sagittis, congue neque vitae, iaculis sem.





Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom. With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more. Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.

It's so easy to style a quote using the Block Quote button! 

Drupal user

Bulleted List Styles

Normal List

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Dashed List 

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

Circles List

  • One
  • Two
  • Three


Numbered List Styles

Normal List

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

 Circles List

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three



Column one Column Two
January Last day to register for...
March Last day to register for...
August Last day to register for...

Horizontal Rule



Sign up

Sign up

Sign up

Sign up

Sign up


CSU Health and Human Services Building
Health and Human Services Building (Image width 400px)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom.

With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more.

Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.


CSU Health and Human Services Building
Health and Human Services Building (Image width 250px)

Since 1900, Coppin State University has been inspiring students from Maryland and beyond to achieve greatness in and out of the classroom.

With a proud history, colorful traditions and deep community roots, Coppin State students and faculty are spreading Coppin pride far and wide, giving back to surrounding Baltimore communities, winning prestigious awards and much more.

Discover why Coppin State has withstood the test of time, and how it’s meeting—and exceeding—the challenges of today.


The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.



The Accordion includes an optional rich-text description area.

The Accordion Item includes a rich-text description area.

The Accordion Item includes a rich-text description area.

The Accordion Item includes a rich-text description area.

Accreditation Row

The Accreditation Row includes an optional rich-text description area.

No Picture Available Placeholder

Accreditation Item one

The Accreditation Item includes an optional rich-text description area.

No Picture Available Placeholder

Accreditation Item two

The Accreditation Item includes an optional rich-text description area.

Career Paths

The Career Paths includes an optional rich-text description area.

No Picture Available Placeholder
Career Paths item
No Picture Available Placeholder
Career Paths item
Career Paths item
Speak to
Contact Name
Message Us
(410) 951-3001
Visit Us
Talon Center | First Floor
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Faculty & Staff Row

The Faculty & Staff Row includes an optional rich-text description area.

The Faculty & Staff Row displays a listing of employee cards on a webpage. The employee must exist in the People Finder.

Melissa Rigby


Can Help With
University Website Questions
A group of students outdoors on campus

Full-Width Image & Text

The Full-Width Image & Text component requires a plain text description and a call to action.
Call to Action

Need Help

Help Panel Department/Office Name

Students registering for class in the administration building

Inline Promo

The Inline Promo requires an image, a plain text description, and a call to action.

Two students review notes in the lounge

Large Promo

The Large Promo includes an optional image, title, rich-text description area, button, and link.

The image may be left or right-aligned. The background color options are "Coppin Navy", "Light Navy", and "Dark Gray". 

Partnerships Row

The Partnerships Row includes an optional title and rich-text description area.

The Partner Card includes an image, title, and link.

Partner Title
Coppin State University Logo
Link (optional)
Partner Title


The Row component includes an optional title and rich-text description area.

The background color options are white (shown), light gray, dark gray, light navy, and Coppin navy.

The Row component is used to display a Grid of card links. There are two layout options for cards: (1) Horizontal Overview/Small Card, and (2) Section Card.

Horizontal Overview/Small Card

The Horizontal Overview/Small Card requires a title, image, description, and a link (displayed as a button or link). The "Card style" dropdown selection may be set to "Normal" to display the card image vertically, or "Small" to display the image horizontally. The selected background color should be white when using the Normal card style.

Section Card

The Section Card includes an optional rich-text description, image and link. A PNG image with transparency my be used to create a Cutout Image style. Select the "Cutout Image?" checkbox to use this option to treat the image as a cutout and set a background color.

No Picture Available Placeholder

Card Title

Card description

No Picture Available Placeholder

Card Title

Card description

No Picture Available Placeholder

Card Title

Card description

No Picture Available Placeholder

Section Card

The card link is optional for Section Card.

Social Media Embed instructions:

  1. Enter your social media link.
  2. Type in your "link text". This is what will be announced for screen readers, such as "visit Facebook".
  3. Use the following classes under the Attributes section to add icons:
  • icon-facebook
  • icon-twitter
  • icon-instagram
  • icon-youtube
  • icon-linkedin
  • icon-pinterest
  • icon-snapchat 
Statement Panel

The Statement Panel includes an optional rich-text description area, link, and image.

There are two options for the icon, College (shown) and Mission with Icon.

No Picture Available Placeholder
Statement Panel

The Statement Panel includes an optional rich-text description area, link, and image.

There are two options for the icon, College and Mission with Icon (shown).

No Picture Available Placeholder

Stats Callout

Stat Item one

Stat item description

Stat Item two

Stat item description

Stat Item three

Stat item description

Video Embed

The Video Embed includes an optional title and rich-text description area and displays a single video in the content area. Videos from YouTube or Vimeo may be added to the CSU website for use in this component.

Video Tutorial

The Video Tutorial includes an optional title and rich-text description area and displays a grid of multiple videos in the content area. Videos from YouTube or Vimeo may be added to the CSU website for use in this component.

Video Item

Video item description (optional)

Video Item

Video item description (optional)

Video Item

Video item description (optional)

Video Item

Video item description (optional)

Video Item

Video item description (optional)

Webform Embed

Displays a website webform in the webpage.

Indicates required field

Alumni Membership Form

Joint Membership with Spouse?

Snippet / Academic Calendar / Call out Link Large

The Snippet / Academic Calendar / Call out Link Large component has three available styles. 


Link (optional)

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar description is 150 characters max.
Link (optional)

Call out link large Title

Call out large style description is150 characters max.
Link (optional)

Programs Row

Program Title

Program Description (150 character limit max)