Mercy Shenge PhD, MPH
2500 W. North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216
Dr. Mercy Nguavese Shenge is an Architect, Urban Planner, and Public Health professional. She is an Assistant Professor and Urban Studies coordinator at Coppin State University. Her background includes a bachelor’s and master’s degree and ABD (All but dissertation) in Architecture and Environmental Design from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, a Doctorate in Urban and Regional Planning from Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, with a focus on Urban Design and Environmental Planning and a second master’s in public health with a concentration on Environmental Health from Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ. She completed a Public Health Practicum at the Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, & Health Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, focusing on Environmental Justice.
She has a certificate in AutoCAD and Drafting from Montogomery College, Rockville, MD, and 16 years of teaching at the university level, including working as an Assistant Professor of Architecture at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, and as an Assistant Teaching Professor at Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Before this, she worked as an Architect at Arc Symbols, Abuja, Nigeria, and as a Clerk of Works at the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology, Zaria, Nigeria.
Dr. Shenge founded the Park Potentials Movement to showcase the prospects of Urban Parks in communities and serves as a Historic District Commissioner in Rockville, MD. She is an Associate Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and an Emerging Professionals coordinator at the American Planning Association’s Urban Design and Preservation Division (APA). She is also a member of the American Maryland Public Health Association (MdPH—Maryland Public Health) and Urban Affairs Association. She is a Rochester Institute of Technology Faculty Exploration Scholar, National Trust for Historic Preservation Scholar, and a 2024 American Public Health (APHA) Policy Action Institute Scholar
Dr. Shenge is a sterling committee member of the Alliance for Chesapeake HBCU summit. Her research interests include Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Clean Energy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Climate Change Adaptation, Preservation, and green Infrastructure. She has published more than 13 scientific papers in high-impact journals, including Architecture, urban planning, Community Development, and Public Health.
1. Shenge, M (2023) Inequities in access to sustainable Urban Parks in South Tucson, AZ. International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science. Volume 05; Issue no 08.
2. Edmund Merem, Joan Wesley, Marshal Crisler, A. Hudson, Peter Isokpehi, Benett Odunsi, Gloria Hirse, M. Shenge, and Darlene Lindsey (2018). Analyzing the Impacts of Globalization on Major Areas: The Case of the City of Lagos in Southwest Nigeria. Architecture Research 8(1): 19-38, doi:10.5923/j.arch.20180801.03
3.E. C. Merem, Y. Twumasi, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, M. Shenge, S. Fageir, M. Crisler, C. Romorno, A. Hines, G. Hirse, S. Ochai, S. Leggett, E. Nwagboso Assessing the Ecological Effects of Mining in West Africa: The Case of Nigeria
(2017). International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing 6(1): 1-19, doi:10.5923/j.mining.20170601.01
4. Edmund C. Merem 1, Peter Isokpehi,1 Joan Wesley1, M. Shenge1, Bennetta Robinson1, Sidigg Fageir1, Marshand Cristler1, Sharon Nichols, Gloria Hirse. (2016). Analyzing Water Management Issues Using GIS in West Africa the Case of Nigeria, Geosciences, 7(1): 20-46, doi:10.5923/j.geo.20170701.03
5.Edmund C. Merem, Peter Isokpehi, Joan Wesley, M. Shenge, Shayron Thomas, Marshand Crisler, Siddig Fageir, and Bennetta Robinson (2015). Ecosystem Liabilities of Oil and Gas Activities in Southern Nigeria. Public Health Research 7(1): 3-26, doi:10.5923/j.phr.20170701.02
6.E. C. Merem, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, E. Nwagboso, S. Fageir, S. Nichols, M. Crisler, M. Shenge, C. Romorno, and G. Hirse (2016). Assessing the vulnerability of the US Pacific North-West Region to Tsunami Hazards. American Journal of Environmental Engineering, 6(1):3-21, doi: 10.5923/j.ajee.20160601.02
7.E. C. Merem, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, E. Nwagboso, S. Fageir, S. Nichols, M. Crisler, M. Shenge, C. Romorno, and G. Hirse (2016). The Growing Issue of Mercury Exposure and the Threats in the African American Community. Frontiers in Science. e-ISSN: 2166-61132016; 6(1): 1-16; doi:10.5923/j.fs.20160601.01
8.E. C. Merem, J. Wesley, E. Nwagboso, S. Fageir, S. Nichols, P. Isokpehi, M. Crisler, M. Shenge, C. Romorno (2016). The Geography of Wind Energy Use in the Mid-West Region of the US: Energy and Powerp-ISSN: 2163-159X e-ISSN: 2163-16032016; 6(1): 1- 15doi:10.5923/j.ep.20160601.01
9.E. C. Merem, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, E. Nwagboso S. Fageir, S. Nichols, M. Crisler, M. Shenge, C. Romorno, G. Hirse (2016). Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Subsidy in the Mississippi Delta Region Using GIS. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 6(1): 1-21.
10. E. C. Merem , Y. Twumasi, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, M. Shenge, S. Fageir, M. Crisler, C. Romorno, A. Hines, G. Hirse, S. Ochai, S. Leggett, E. Nwagboso (2017) Regional Assessment of Energy Trends in West Africa Using GIS. International Journal of Energy Engineering-ISSN: 2163-1891 e-ISSN: 2163-19052017; 7(1): 1-27doi:10.5923/j.ijee.20170701.01
11. E. C. Merem , Y. Twumasi, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, M. Shenge, S. Fageir, M. Crisler, C. Romorno, A. Hines, G. Hirse, S. Ochai, S. Leggett, E. Nwagboso (2017) Analyzing Water Management Issues Using GIS: The Case of Nigeria. Geosciencesp-ISSN: 2163-1697 e-ISSN: 2163-1719 2017; 7(1): 20-46doi:10.5923/j.geo.20170701.03
12. E. C. Merem, Y. Twumasi, J. Wesley, P. Isokpehi, M. Shenge, S. Fageir, M. Crisler, C. Romorno, A. Hines, G. Hirse, S. Ochai, S. Leggett, E. Nwagboso Analyzing Rice Production Issues in the Niger State Area of Nigeria’s Middle Belt Food and Public Healthp-ISSN: 2162-9412 e-ISSN: 2162-84402017; 7(1): 7-22doi:10.5923/j.fph.20170701.02
Emerging Professional/ Student Engagement Coordinator- American Planning Association (APA)
Treasurer - Faculty Senate, Coppin State University
Treasurer, Students’ Planning Association (SPA), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Jackson State University
Head Teacher- Redeem Christian Church of God (RCCG) Tucson,AZ
1. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 1993- 2000
Bachelor of Science
Major: Architecture
2. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 2001-2004
Master of Science
Major: Architecture
3. Jackson State University, Jackson, MS 2014- 2018
Doctor of Philosophy
Major: Urban and Regional Planning
4. Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ 2020 - 2023
Master of Public Health (MPH)
Concentration: Environmental Health
5. Montgomery College, Rockville, MD
AutoCAD and Drafting
- Associate Member- American Institute of Architects
- Member- American Planning Association
- Member-American Maryland Public Health Association
- Member- Public Health Association (MdPHA)
- Member Urban Affairs Association.
- Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society
- Alpha Chi.
Environmental Health, Environmental Justice, Clean Energy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Climate Change Adaptation, Preservation, & Green Infrastructure
- 2024- Excellence in Research Award, Coppin State University
- 2024- American Public Health Association’s Policy Action Institute Scholarship Recipient
- 2021- Recipient- Future Faculty Career Exploration Program, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
- 2021 Recipient – National Trust for Historic Preservation Diversity Scholarship
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