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Dr. Ahmed Y. Zohny returned to academia after serving in the United States Department of State/USAID, and the World Bank. He is an economic, social, and political development expert of the Middle East, North Africa, and the Islamic World. He was invited to serve as an analyst by major U.S. media networks on events in Egypt and the Middle East. He is fluent in Arabic and English.
Dr. Zohny recently published two books: Donald Trump’s Digital Diplomacy And Its Impact On US Foreign Policy Toward The Middle East (April 18, 2023), published by Lexington books, and Barack Obama and The Arab Spring, A successful Balancing Act of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (July 2021), published by Lexington Books. His academic research has been published in peer reviewed journals, and proceedings of association conferences. He is licensed by the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals, and member of DC Bar.
1 – April 18, 2023, Donald Trump’s Digital Diplomacy And Its Impact On US Foreign Policy Toward The Middle East. Published by Lexington books, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London. It received a very good review from Professor Thomas E. Patterson of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and by Politics Today.
2 – July 2021, Barack Obama and The Arab Spring, A successful Balancing Act of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy. Published by Lexington Books, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London.
3 - October 1988, The Politics, Economics and Dynamics of Development Administration in Contemporary Egypt. Published by Books on African Studies, Schriesheim/Heidelberg, Germany.
Peer Refereed Articles
1 - November 2018, “The Balancing Act in a Military-Dominated Transition To Democracy in Egypt After the Arab Spring”, Digest of the Middle East Studies, Published by the Policy Studies Organization
2 - July 2017, "American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy During and After the Arab Spring, the Challenge of Democratization & the Legacy of President Obama's Administration", International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 5, No.7
3 - Law Article: May 2017, "The Rule of law and Judicial Independence in Egypt During The Transition To democracy After The Arab Spring", US-China Law Review, Vol.14, No.5
4 - Law Article: September,2016, “ The State Police Power in the West, and the Rule of Law in the Context of International Terrorism-A Comparative Perspective”, US-China Law Review, Vol.13,No. 9
5 - September 2016, “The Impact of Political Islam on Global IR & Prospects for Middle East Stability”, Cultural and Religious Studies Journal, Vol.l4, No. 9
6 - May 15, 2016," Middle East Instability, After The Arab Spring & It's Impact on The United States` and Egypt's Bilateral Relations", Cultural and Religious Studies Journal, Vol 4, No. 5.
7 - December 2015, "The Power Struggle Between the Military and the Islamists-The Future of Egypt", Cultural and Religious Studies Journal, Vol.3, No.6
8 - August 2015 "The Future of Political Islam & Democracy in Egypt After The Arab Spring", Culture & Religion Review Journal, Volume 2014, Issue No.4, PP40-73
9 - June 2015 "Egypt's Transition To Democracy & The Informal Realm Of Politics", Insights to a Changing World Journal, Volume 2014, Issue No.4, PP106-125
10 - April 2015,"Reflections On Baltimore Events: Democracy Is Threatened By The Police's Politicization, Militarization, And Poverty", Conflict Resolution & Negotiation, Volume 2015 Issue 2, PP65-78
11 - January,28 – May 30, 2014, Reviewing Text on, “American Government In Black And White, Second Edition, by Paula D. McClain and Steven C. Tauber, published by Oxford University Press.
12 - September 2009, “U.S. Financial Crises, Ethics and the needed Sustainability Measures for the New Global Financial Architecture.” Ethics and Critical Thinking Journal, Special Issue, Texas, U.S.A
13 - Law Article: September 2003, “Egypt's Procurement Regime and Building an Export Oriented Economy,” The Arab Law Quarterly, Volume 18, Part 3, London, England.
14 - Law Article: September 2001, “The Egyptian Free Trade Agreement – Challenges and Prospects,” The Arab Law Quarterly, Volume 16, Part 2, London, England.
15 - Law Article: March 2000, “The Suitability of US Security Laws and Regulations to Serve as a Model Law for Egyptian Financial Markets,” The Arab Law Quarterly, Volume 14, Part 1, London, England (Lead Article).
16 - April 1999, “Reflections on the Moot Court Competition by an LL.M. Judge,” American Jurist, Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, D.C.
17 - February 1999, “LL.M. Liaison's Vision of the International Lawyer,” American Jurist, Washington College of Law, American University, Washington, D.C.
18 - Book review:
Representing Coppin State University at The Council of University of Maryland Faculty (CUSF), Elected Faculty at the Executive Council of Coppin State Faculty Senate
Ph.D. Public and International Affairs with double concentrations-Development Studies and International Security Studies, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Doctoral Dissertation Topic: The Contribution of National Services To Social And Economic Development: A Case Study of Egypt’s Experience. The grade of “honors” was granted to the dissertation credits (dissertation was nominated for NASPAA Annual Award). (Recipient of a merit scholarship).
Graduate Certificate in International Security Studies, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, PA
LL.M., International Business Law, Washington College of Law, the American University, Washington, DC, (Served on the A.U. International Law Review).
M.A. Political Science, Bloomsburg State University, Bloomsburg, PA, USA (Recipient of a merit scholarship).
Master’s Thesis Topic: The Diplomatic Relationship Between Egypt And The United States Of America During President Anwar El-Sadat’s Administration.
LL.B. Law, Faculty of Law Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
American Political Science Association,
Northeastern Political Science Association, D.C., Bar ,Association for the Study of the Mid East and Africa
Diplomacy , Foreign Policy , Middle East/Islamic Worldwide
2023 Recipient of Honorable Research Mention for my book about Barak Obama Foreign Policy and Diplomacy in the Middle East