What inspired you to pursue a degree in Science?
A simple quest to understand the natural world around me and why things are the way they are. I have always been especially fascinated with the ever-changing beauty, wonder and mystery that is life. From the tiniest of cells and the largest of ecosystems and biosphere, studying biology allowed me to understand the processes that allow life to flourish. Simply put, it is more of a grand puzzle that I love learning about the pieces of!!

Have you done any graduate or professional studies after Coppin?
Upon graduation from Coppin in the spring of 2015, I enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in the fall of 2015. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology on December 12, 2019. I was also the recipient of American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship to fund my doctoral work. This was also supported by a private donor award from Pamela Knous ( link to the news covered: https://physician-news.umiamihealth.org/doctoral-student-receives-grant-through-the-american-heart-association/?print=print ). Also, In the summer of 2019, I interned at MyoKardia, Inc. in San Francisco Bay Area working on therapies for cardiovascular diseases.
What are you doing now in your career?
Currently, I have accepted a Postdoctoral Research Scholar position in Cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University which begins in January 2021.
How has your education at Coppin Department of Natural Sciences prepared you for your career?
The Department of Natural Sciences at Coppin always put me in a position to succeed. I had access to extraordinary faculty members who went above and beyond to make sure my educational and professional development needs were met. It was more like a family. From on-campus research in Nanotechnology to off-campus molecular biology summer research at University of Michigan and Princeton, I was able to truly prepare myself to push the boundaries as a first-generation college student. On graduation, I was accepted in a doctoral program in biomedical sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and am on track to pursue a post-doctoral fellowship in cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University. Coppin’s Natural Sciences department gave me the skill and confidence to get through all of that!!
What career advice can you give to someone pursuing a degree in the sciences?
Always be open to challenging what you learn and don’t be afraid of exploring the unknown. Be motivated by the process rather than the end goal.