Nursing, Traditional

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Nurses play a critical role in delivering quality care and leading efforts to improve health access, outcomes, and education—and we need new nurses now more than ever.


Sometimes choosing a career can mean deciding between personal fulfillment or professional growth and compensation. With a career in nursing, you don’t have to choose. Nurses are critical to any health care infrastructure and ability to provide quality patient care—and there’s a growing shortage. Older generations are retiring from patient care, leadership, and administration positions opening the door for a new wave of nursing professionals and leaders. That next wave is you.

What You'll Learn

Learn how to:

  • Synthesize knowledge from the humanities, natural, and behavioral sciences as a foundation for safe, client-centered nursing practice.
  • Apply leadership concepts, skills and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care in a variety of settings.
  • Demonstrates clinical judgment based on evidence-based practice for individual, families and groups.
  • Demonstrates proficiency in information management and patient care technology in the delivery of quality health care.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of healthcare policy and regulations to assist individuals, families and groups to identify and mobilize resources to meet health care needs.
  • Collaborate with consumers, members of the health care team and others to improve the delivery of health care.
  • Integrate health promotion and disease prevention strategies for individuals, families and groups to improve health outcomes for individuals, families and groups.
  • Demonstrates professional, ethical, and legal responsibility for nursing practice.
  • Apply the nursing process to deliver and manage nursing care for culturally diverse individuals, families and groups across the life span in a variety of health settings.
  • Use clinical reasoning strategies, communication and other affective skills as well as psychomotor skills to provide therapeutic nursing intervention to culturally diverse individuals, families and groups in varying health states.
Students studying

750+ Course Options

The Coppin State University Academic Catalog has a wide variety of skill-building courses designed to inspire and prepare you to be in-demand professionals and transformational leaders.

A combination of academic and professional education, our program prepares graduates to work in emerging nurse generalist roles, and/or pursue graduate study. We base our curriculum on nursing science, incorporating theoretical foundations of the humanities, liberal arts, basic and applied sciences.

This complex field requires knowledge of not only nursing practice, but also humanities, behavioral and natural sciences. You’ll learn to collaborate on multidisciplinary teams, prepare to handle complex challenges, and provide care to individuals, families, and groups in a variety of health care settings.

There is more information about major requirements in the Program Requirements section on this page.

Admission Requirements

Any student interested in the Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale. The application process has several steps, and requires you to submit application materials to both the Office of Admissions and the College of Health Professions Academic Success Center (formerly the STAR Office). Be sure to pay attention to when and where you must submit any required documentation. .

To be considered for admission to the Traditional BSN undergraduate program, submit the following:

Important Date to Remember

  • February 1st is the Final Decision deadline

Program Requirements

To graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, students must complete 120 credit hours. These credit hours split among General Education Requirements (GERs), course prerequisites, and major courses. Each section below explains the range of course offerings.

General Education Requirements (GERs)

Students must complete 40 GER credits. Specifically for Health Information Management majors, your program plan should also include:

GER RequirementCourse options
MathematicsMATH 203: Basic Statistics
Behavioral and Social Science

PSYC 201: General Psychology


SOCI 201: Introduction to Sociology

Natural Sciences

BIOL 107: Comprehensive Review of Life Sciences or BIOL 201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I


CHEM 103: General Chemistry (Prereq. MATH 110)

Interdisciplinary and Emerging IssuesSPCH 105: Introduction to Speech Communication or SPCH 202: Principles and Practices of Interviewing or SPCH 204 Critical Listening

Core Courses (18 credits)

BIOL 2034Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 3084Microbiology
HSC 2133Principles and Practices in Nutrition
NURS 3193Pathophysiology
PSYC 3353Developmental Psychology
NURS 2211Nursing as a Profession

Comprehensive Exam

All nursing students must sit for a comprehensive exam during their final semester.

Sample Degree Plan

Be sure to connect with your academic advisor to plan your semester courses. The plan below is just an example—your journey may have different requirements.  

Fall Semester (17 credits)

Course credits name
ENGL 101 3 English Composition I
BIOL 107 4 Comprehensive Preview of Life Sciences
MATH 110 3 College Algebra
FRSEM 101 1 Freshman Seminar
HIST 20X 3 World History I or U.S. History I or African American History I

Spring Semester (17 credits)

course credits name
ENGL 102 3 English Composition II
CHEM 103 4 Chemistry for Health Sciences
BIOL 201 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
SOCI 201 3 Introduction to Sociology
HIST 20X 3 World History II or U.S. History II or African-American History II

Fall Semester (16 credits)

Course credits name
SPCH 105 3 Speech Communications
PHIL 103 3 Introduction to Philosophy
PSYC 201 3 General Psychology
BIOL 203 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
NURS 213 or HSC 213 3 Normal/Applied Nutrition or Principles and Practices in Nutrition

Spring Semester (17 credits)

Course credits name
MATH 203 3 Basic Statistics
BIOL 308 4 Microbiology
NURS 221 1 Nursing as a Profession
NURS 319 3 Pathophysiology
WLIT 207 or ENGL 2XX 3 World Literature or Any 200-level English Course
PSYC 335 3 Developmental Psychology

Fall Semester (12 credits)

Course credits name
NURS 217 3 Health Assessment
NURS 310 3 Pharmacology
NURS 323 6 Medical Surgical Nursing: Adult/Older Adult

Spring Semester (13 credits)

Course credits name
NURS 320 5 Maternity and Women's Health
NURS 321 5 Nursing Care of Children
NURS 329 3 Nursing Informatics

Fall Semester (13 credits)

Course credits name
NURS 315 3 Research in Nursing
NURS 411 2 Contemporary Issues in Nursing
NURS 430 4 Community Nursing
NURS 432 4 Mental Health Nursing

Spring Semester (15 credits)

Course Credits Name
NURS 415 3 Special Topics
NURS 421 3 Leadership in Nursing
NURS 424 6 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing
NURS 480 3 Senior Practicum

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Health Information Management


Nursing is in the Helene Fuld School of Nursing in the College of Health Professions.