2024-2025 Mister and Miss Coppin and Royal Court

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Mister and Miss Coppin - Ramone Smith and Jayla McCullough

Miss Senior - Kiara Williams

Mister and Miss Junior - Jarmar Diggs and Catherine Addey

Mister and Miss Sophomore - Dayquan Pier and Arianna Roman

Mister and Miss Freshman - De'Juan Ouzts-Williams and Kimora Barlow

Royal Court History

The Coppin Pageant is rich in tradition; in 1929 the Students of Coppin State University decided that they would choose an individual that was worthy to be acclaimed "Miss Coppin State University". Historically, the process by which Miss Coppin was elected was purely done on a popularity basis, but now Coppin State University's best and brightest compete before a panel of judges for the prestigious title, in the Annual Coppin Pageant. The Pageant is designed to give a well-rounded look at each contestant in multifaceted categories such as the Oratorical, Talent, Question and Answer and Formal Wear segments. The judges will elect the top three finalists to move on to student population voting. In previous years, elections were conducted using stationary voting polls, but now CSU students make their selections via online voting polls.

During the 1998-1999 academic years, the student body petitioned to have an undergraduate college King to serve as the official host of Coppin State College along side of Miss Coppin. During its debut, Jelani Laster was the first Mister Coppin contestant; his reign was during the 2000-2001 academic year. Since that time interest has peaked and the number of Mister Coppin Contestants continues to increase.

During the 2004-2005 academic year the Office of Campus Life decided to take a more inclusive approach to our CSU royalty and added a full royal court. The Court was comprised of 3 kings and 3 queens with Miss and Mister Coppin serving as the university's primary ambassadors. The court includes Miss and Mister Coppin State University, Miss and Mister Blue and Gold, and Miss and Mister Eagle. These people collectively represent the royal family of Coppin State University.

Since that time, the Royal Court has shifted to a campus king and queen and class kings and queens model. The Royal Court is comprised of Mister and Miss Coppin, Mister and Miss Senior, Mister and Miss Junior, Mister and Miss Sophomore, and Mister and Miss Freshman.

Miss and Mister Coppin serve as ambassadors for Coppin State University while representing the Student Body at official functions. Those individuals are expected to exemplify a high degree of integrity, and esteem. They are called upon to speak at a variety of campus functions and develop programming and activities to be enjoyed by the student body. Class Kings and Queens served as ambassadors to their classes but also participate in programming for the entire student body.

Information to know:

  • GPA requirement for all positions is 2.75.
  • Royal Court members are expected to represent integrity in scholarship, leadership, and character.
  • All Royal Court members campaign on a platform and are expected to implement programming efforts to carry out the platform.
  • In addition to Royal Court programming efforts, the court may participate in additional areas, listed below (but not limited to):

    ▪    Athletic Events
    ▪    Homecoming Events
    ▪    I Love Coppin Week
    ▪    Recruitment Activities
    ▪    Campus-Wide Assemblies
    ▪    Approved Off-Campus Activities
    ▪    Approved Conferences
    ▪    New Student Orientation and Welcome Week Activities
    ▪    Community Service
    ▪    Campus Committees
    ▪    Approved Pageants and Coronations

  • Mister and Miss Coppin will be provided with a budget for programming for the Court and are expected to sponsor and/or co-sponsor four (4) general events (2 in the fall semester and 2 in the spring semester) and one (1) community service project throughout their reign.
  • The Royal Court is required to sponsor and/or co-sponsor two (2) general events (1) in the fall semester and 1 in the spring semester) and one (1) community service project throughout their reign. Dates subject to approval by the Advisor. These events should implement their platform. However, all types of events are welcomed. Failure to sponsor approved events during the fall semester could result in removal of position for the spring semester.