Office of Procurement & Business Services
We strive to be a model procurement and logistical support organization that provides integrity, service, and quality to Coppin State University. We consistently re-evaluate our procurement methods, while also challenging suppliers and vendors to provide the best possible value. We also embrace technology and best practices that advance our University mission.
Our goal in the Office of Procurement & Business Services is to serve and facilitate Coppin State University goals. We partner with suppliers, the public, and other university departments to build and maintain Coppin's reputation as a trustworthy partner.
The Office of Procurement & Business Services actively supports the university through the following:
- Procurement of goods and services for best value
- Commitment to conducting university business in a fair and open environment, in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations
- Establishment and administration of effective contracts
- Identification of opportunities to enhance the university's buying power
- Support the State of Maryland Minority Business Enterprise program and Small Business Reserve Program
Our Values
We are a service conscious team, strongly committed to the University. We approach our work and relationships with the departments and vendors from a shared set of core values:
- Courtesy
- Cooperation
- Continuous Improvement
- Fairness
- Flexibility
- Integrity
- Professional Development
- Responsiveness
Procurement Card
In 1997, the State of Maryland implemented the Corporate Purchasing Card Program (P-Card). The Corporate Purchasing Card is similar to a consumer credit card except there are no fees or interest costs to the state. The State Comptroller's General Accounting Division (GAD) administers the statewide program. GAD requires each state agency to assign a Purchasing Card Program Administrator (PCPA). The PCPA is responsible for card issuance and control for their agency. The PCPA is also responsible for training all cardholders prior to issuing the P-Card. The training is a state requirement for all cardholders.
P-Card Benefits
- Eliminates the use of requisitions, purchase orders, invoice processing and check issuance
- Small procurements can be made within hours instead of days
Vendors benefit since the card-issuing bank typically pays within 2 days of the purchase instead of the 25-30 day process required to invoice the agency and then receive payment from the state.
Primary Cardholder Responsibilities
- To procure goods and services at the best price for the University;
- maintain records and supporting documents for all purchases;
- reconcile purchases to monthly card statements.
P-Card Transaction Verification
Learn how to verify P-Card transactions in Eagle Workday.
Code of Ethics
The Office of Procurement & Business Services consistently exercises sound business judgment and maintains the highest ethical and moral standards while conducting university business and handling personal matters. Coppin endorses and is covered under the Code of Ethics for the Executive Branch Officers and Employees promulgated by the Executive Order of the Governor dated September 4, 1969. The Office of Procurement further subscribes to the professional Code of Ethics advocated by the National Association of Educational Procurement which directs out office to:
- Give first consideration to the objectives and policies of our institution
- Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar of expenditure
- Decline personal gifts or gratuities
- Grant all competitive offerors/bidders equal consideration as the established policies of my institution allow, and regard each transaction on its own merits
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of mutual confidence and integrity, void of intentional misrepresentation
- Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement, an advertisement, or a sample of the product
- Use only by consent, original ideas and designs devised by one vendor for competitive purchasing purposes
- Be courteous to all who call on legitimate business missions
- Be willing to submit any major controversies to arbitration or other third party review, as the established policies of my institution permit
- Cooperate with trade and industrial associations, governmental and private agencies engaged in the promotion and development of sound business methods
- Foster fair, ethical, and legal trade practices
- Counsel and cooperate with NAEB members and promote a spirit of unity among them